Hi my name is Brian
Originally from the UK I now live In Melbourne, Australia
I started this website in February 2019 at the age of 64.
Over my life I have flown well over a million miles and taking several hundred individual flights.
I have enjoyed staying in accommodation ranging from tents, and backpacker hostels to $1,000 a night hotels.
I have visited 39 countries. ( To count as a ‘Visit’ I need to have at least left the airport)
As well as flying I also enjoy travelling by trains and ships.
In the past I travelled extensively for work and achieved QANTAS Gold Frequent Flyer Status and am currently ‘Lifetime Silver’.
These days as I am retired I travel less, but sometimes make Gold Frequent Flyer Status.
I would still fly internationally around 3-4 times a year as wells as a number of domestic trips.
Some travel is for leisure and some as a volunteer for an international aid charity.